Explore Refined Cigar Storage with Flexible Financing
Quality Importers sets the standard for exquisite cigar storage, and at Abunda, we match that standard with equally appealing financing options. Whether you're an experienced cigar aficionado or new to the world of tobacco connoisseurship, the right humidor is key to preserving and savoring each moment. Our financing, monthly payment plans, and lease to own alternatives ensure that you can secure a Quality Importers humidor without strain on your finances.
Impeccable Design, Accessible Through Payment Plans
From the spacious Medici to the compact Milano Glasstop, Quality Importers' humidors blend form with function. Our buy now pay later platform makes these stunning pieces within reach, encouraging indulgence in a luxurious tradition, regardless of your credit history. With interest-free installments and no credit needed options, transforming your space into a refined cigar sanctuary is easier than ever.
The Signature Aesthetic of Quality Importers
Each humidor is a testament to the brand's reputation for quality and elegance. The Pompeii and Solana models, with their distinct wood finishes and design accents, are as much a statement piece as they are a storage solution. With Abunda's bad credit welcomed policies, these humidors aren't just an accessory but a statement of discerning taste and sophistication.
Celebrate Tradition with Modern Financing Solutions
Honor the ritual of cigar preservation with the El Rey or the patriotic Old Glory Humidor. Investing in the craft of cigar keeping has never been more attainable with our tailored payment plans that accommodate all lifestyles and budgets. Abunda makes it possible to partake in this age-old tradition seamlessly and affordably.
Financing Your Passion for Cigars with Abunda
At Abunda, we understand the profound pleasure cigars bring, and we believe it should be accessible to all. That's why we've partnered with premiere rent to own and buy now pay later companies, ensuring that you can finance your Quality Importers humidor and safeguard your cigars in optimal conditions without immediate financial burden.
Our finance partners:
Apple Pay
Don't want to finance? Lease-to-own with: